Saturday, February 04, 2006

Generation Unleashed - Divine - 2006! I think this was by far the best year yet. This picture is overlooking the lobby as people are waiting for the doors to open. This picture doesn't do it justice of just how many people are at this conference. We took 16 this year to GU and had the time of our lives. Not only was it just plain fun, but we had an incredible encounter with Jesus and His truth. Here are a few pictures of our weekend in Portland.
Here is most of our group, waiting for the first night's service to begin. As always, our group manages to get REALLY GOOD SEATS!
Amy and Matthew waiting for the doors to open.
Worship at Gen Unleashed is like no other. There is nothing like 3000+ young people worshipping Jesus with everything that is in them.
Fun group picture at the Lloyd Mall.
Group picture - minus me! (Sabrina). What a good looking group.
Rachel. Cute and sweet as always.
Amanda. We were all tired on the ride home. I wanted to be sleeping like her!
My ride! Myself, (don't worry, we were at a stop here), Rachel is right behind me, then Julia and barely Amanda. What a fun ride we had.
Meghan. A changed woman!
The other side, Amy, Amanda and Julia again!
Patrick. A changed man.
The drive home. Pastor Matthew and the rest of the crew are in the big white van. What a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

We have been waiting for this moment for months now, and finally our anticipation came to a rest on invite night. Kyrie' finally showed up in her uniform for ROTC and displayed it good and proud. Way to go Kyrie'. We all love you.
Did you miss it? You know...invite night? Well, if you did, you have good reason to be very depressed because it was an awesome night. Great worship, awesome message, and a whole lot of marshmellows!!!!
Eric, chillin' in the GC Lounge, playing some pool.
Rachelle made a valiant effort to the final three, but was unable to cross the finish line.
As on all invite nights, we have an awesome give away. But winning that give away is not going to be easy. That's right. We here at GC make you EARN that prize. This month, the prize....a NICE snowboard with bindings. The contest.....CHUBBY SNOW BUNNY! It may be an old game, but it still does the job folks.
And then there was two.....
Allen, working the mellows!
Meghan, stuffing marshmellows into every available pocket in her mouth.
The tie breaker...Who can eat 12 marshmellows the fastest!
Meghan won!!! Yeah Meghan!!!