Saturday, July 29, 2006

Nothin' Like a BBQ in August!

So, if you haven't heard yet (which some of you who have think GC is NOT happening in the summer), we are having a free BBQ every Wednesday for the entire month of August! Well, it's free if you are 17 and under, but on ly $2 if you are 18 and older! So come and eat some really great hamburgers and enjoy some good old fashioned fellowship before GC starts on Wednesday's! Bring a friend and get them fed and then come on into GC. We have missed you! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Camps are over!!! And what fun they were. The only problem is I somehow only took pictures of Jr. High Camp (and not that many) and forgot to bring my camera out for Sr. High AND our Young Adults Retreat. So, although wonderful memories were made at both, unless I get some pictures from some others, this is all our GC Blog will see of our summer camps. So sad... :(. Anyways, we are back and excited to get back into the swing of things. Thanks to all of you that were counselors, boat/ski do drivers, cooks, van drivers, and anyone else that helped out so generoulsy at all of our camps to make them a success! We hope you all enjoyed them as much as Pastor Matthew and I did. Now....onto August!!! Woo hooo!!!

Elliot, giving me the evil eye! :) Posted by Picasa
Taylor and Brittany.

Sam....looking dazed and confused! :)
 Posted by Picasa
Brittany having fun. Posted by Picasa
Amanda!!! She was camp counselor for two weeks in a row!!!!! Way to go! Posted by Picasa
Eric & Rachel - gettin' ready for games! Posted by Picasa